Click Here For Results
Do not attempt to park near the start line, there is very limited parking in this area and many streets will be closed. Park at a nearby Metro stop like Chinatown, Del Mar, Arcadia or others on the A-Line and ride the train to the South Pasadena stop to get to the start line.
Join us on the first ever Run the 110! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity where you will run a 10K on this historic roadway.
Race Info
Runners are encouraged to begin lining up no later than 6:45AM. The race will start on time at 7:00AM.
Line up according to your expected race pace. Faster runners should be positioned at the front of the start chute, while slower runners/ walkers start closer to the back. The goal is to have the start flow nicely and safely. The event is chip timed and your official time will not start until you cross the starting line.
COURSE DESIGN | Arroyo Seco Parkway (SR-110)
Run The 110 10K starts on Orange Grove Street. From the start line, you will head to the freeway for a once in a lifetime opportunity where you will run on this historic roadway. Runners and walkers will descend the on-ramp and enter the road heading north towards Pasadena. Do not worry about yielding to traffic or entering at a safe speed. While the 110 is infamous for its' short ramps this closed road has been reserved for you and a couple thousand of your closest friends.
After passing the Fair Oaks overpass bridge, you will make a 180 degree turn and then continue southbound towards Dodger Stadium and Downtown Los Angeles. Wind your way through the bends and turns of one of the oldest freeways in the United States. The finish is adjacent to the Avenue 26 exit. Collect your bling and some water, have one of our official photographers get a photo of you as the sun rises over the freeway.
Special Reminder
We are finally here, Run the 110 10K! For those who registered in 2022, you will have the option to get a sponsored trucker hat OR the R110 Commemorative Metro Tap card with fair for one trip on the metro. Commemorative Tap cards promotion will be provided to all 2023 registrants through August 30, 2023.
Also note that t-shirts will be guaranteed to all registrants through 10/15/23. T-shirt will be available at the finish line after bib & t-shirt pick up closes on Saturday.
All tap cards will be provided at t-shirt / bib pick-up on Saturday (10AM- 8PM) or Sunday (5:30AM - 6:45AM). We will not have the tap cards at the finish line. They are all being issued at the registration area before the start of the race. The card will be activated with enough money for one trip. This is a celebration with no cars. We encourage you to use the metro.
Enjoy the other festivities at the open streets event that follows the 10K run/walk and visit all the stops. Metro trains are available on a first come first serve basis. The Arroyo Fest Open Streets Festival starts at approximately 8:30A.M. You will be able to jump on the Metros Station located at the finish line celebration. Some of you may want to warm down by walking back to the start on the 110 FWY. Limited e-bikes will be available for rent as well.
Water and electrolytes will be available on the course at Mile 3 and at the Finish.
We will have a roving first aid team covering the route and at the open streets festival. First aid station also available at the finish line area.
Photo Opportunity On The 110 Freeway
Participants will have the opportunity to take pictures on certain points along the route. We will have a special Run the 110 Photo Pit Stop at the halfway mark just past the water station. There will be a large backdrop for you to stop briefly and take a video or picture to share with family and friends.
Race Day Schedule
10K Start: 7:00AM
Please line up at the starting line no later than 6:45AM
Event Day Parking
Allow plenty of time to get to the start line area on race day. Street and 110 Freeway closures may make driving to the event a challenge, please consider using public transportation. All parking is free on public streets. Make sure you read signs and make note of time limits for parking that vary depending on the street. This is a celebration of health, wellness and sustainability.
ActiveSGV through ArroyoFest Open Streets is recommending you leave your cars at home. It is a day to celebrate and enjoy the outdoors with no cars.
There are 5 Metro access stations located between the Start and Finish of Run the 110. Included is a map of the course which has the locations of the Metro station stops.
If you decide to drive, we encourage you to park near the Run the 110 Finish along Broadway, Figueroa street, or in designated public parking along the route. You can then take the Lincoln Park metro station to the Start which is just 100 yards west of the South Pasadena Metro station. Factor in at least 30-45 minutes of your travel as the Metro will run every 10-15 minutes.
Parking is also available on the following public streets in South Pasadena: Arroyo Drive along the gold course; Grand Avenue and Mission. Parking on Grand towards Pasadena both sides; Fair Oaks Avenue on both sides of the street; and on Huntington Drive just half mile south from the start.
In addition, at each metro station stop, there are several main streets with free public and select paid metered parking.
We will keep updating this information periodically. Pre-registration area at Orange Grove park is also near the South Pasadena Metro Station.
Professional photographers will be capturing you before, during and after the 10K. Photos will be free to download and available here within 72 hours of completion of event on Sunday. Check our social media regularly for the latest updates on when they are available as well as for other event updates.
Countdown to Race!
Prize Money
Prize Money
Overall | Male & Female
1st - $500
2nd - $400
3rd - $300
There are limited spots for elite runners. Prize money is sponsored by Aztlan Athletics LLC. All Elite athletes wishing to compete for prize money MUST be registered 1 month prior to the event and cleared by the event director. To receive award money, winners must provide a completed W-9 form.
For details on these guidelines contact jose@aztlanathletics.org. Contact us early, there are no guarantees that elite spots will still be available when you apply. Spots are awarded at the discretion of Aztlan Athletics LLC. Cash prize winners are expected to attend the brief awards ceremony later in the day at a time TBD.
Packet Pick Up
Participants will receive a Commemorative Bib and T-Shirt at the pre-race exp (only for those who registered before October 15, 2023), Commemorative Die Cast Medal, Commemorative Metro Tap Card (NOTE: Tap cards will only be provided to those who registered before August 30, 2023). Finisher medals will be awarded at the finish line.
You must be wearing a visible bib on the front of your body to enter the course. All bibs must be picked up at the expo the day before the event unless you purchase VIP bib pick up for race day.
Expo will be Saturday, October 28th from 10:00AM - 6:00PM
VIP Pick Up will be on race day, both will take place at the South Pasadena Metro Station
905 Meridian Ave, South Pasadena, CA 91030
T-shirt Pick Up Option Details
T-shirts can also be collected after the race is over at the registration area until 1PM FIRM.
Sponsorship Information
Interested in being a part of this historic event and promoting your products and services to tens of thousands of people in person and hundreds of thousands more through the marketing and media related to this event? Contact Jose@aztlanathletics.org or call (626)755-8489.
-Booths shall make a good-faith effort to limit distributing any items that are likely to be littered.
-Booths shall NOT distribute any single-use plastic items, including but not limited to plastic water bottles, styrofoam/polystyrene cups/plates, and plastic straws.
-Booths shall NOT utilize gas-powered generators. We recommend utilizing a zero-emission, rechargeable battery if you need power.
-Booths may not sell items during the event without prior approval.
If you have any questions, please contact alexandra@activesgv.org